How to see story archive

How to see story archive

Facebook Story makes it easier to reach more people as it appears on the newsfeed of all your friends. It appears only for 24 hours before it vanishes away, but the good news is you can see it in your story archive. Your archive can be turned on or off. If your story archive is turned on, your photos and videos will be archived when they disappear from your story after 24hours automatically. Also, remember you are the only one that can see your story archive.

How to see story archive

  • Login to your Facebook account, in your news feed, click on your name which will take you to your profile. Your profile is where you can find your timeline.How to see story archive
  • Click on Archive.

Read: How can I delete my story

About Ernest Sylvester

A passionate blogger, digital marketer, web designer, and writer with many years of experience.

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