How to believe in God again

Believe in God again

Believe in God again

I have found myself in situations where we ask, how do I believe in God again? I have prayed relentlessly without answers and I was finding it difficult to trust that God still exists. I came to the point where my faith was difficult to stand the trying times and I sought solutions in different places to no avail.

God led me to discover the truth in His word and I encountered Jesus and began tracing my steps back to Him and seeking ways to believe in God again.

How to Believe in God Again

Many Christians have found themselves struggling with their faith in God and this article comes as a guide to your journey back to God and awakening your faith in Him.

Read: How to discover and grow your passion 

  1. Seeking and Longing for God.

    The Bible made us to understand that we should seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  Longing for God is the feeling that “there’s got to be more in Him.” This quest to satisfy these basic longings sends all of us on a journey to know God more. The more we seek Him, the more we know Him and the more we know Him, the more we get to trust and believe in Him completely without reserve. The common experience lies in not understanding that God gave these longings to us, so we try to satisfy those longings by running away from God rather than toward Him. Our christian lives sometimes dry out because we feel we know God and we ignore the longing for Him. Devote your time to study the word of God and the truth in the scriptures will help you believe in God again.

  2. Awakening to Regret.

    You need to be aware and awake to your life. We often tend to pursue those primitive longings without God and when we do, we find ourselves alone, directionless and confused. We always find ourselves in a repetition of the “sorry cycle”–pursuing God-given longings outside of a relationship with God, which leads to regrettable decisions and actions. Many people get stuck in the “sorry cycle” for months, some for years. Others never escape it. You need to stop that. Accept your mistakes and move on. Ask God for forgiveness and surrender it all to Him. Accept that you need help and that help is Jesus.

  3. Open Yourself.

    Opening ourselves to Love Jesus is the key to leading us back to God. As we come back to God, we’re ambushed by grace and discover God, loves me deeply after all. However, a shadow of shame and guilt follows us home, and we struggle to believe we’re loved just as we are. Even in our weakness and sin, Christ died for us. Rev 3:20 says that Jesus is always at the door of our hearts knocking and waiting for our invitation. Once you open up yourself, he takes over the work of transformation thereby building your faith in Him.



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