How to send a private message on Facebook

facebook private message

Some don’t know that it’s possible to send a private message to your friends on Facebook. This is a simple way to communicate with your friends and even those that are not your friends. For desktop users it’s a bit simple you just have to click on the message icon while for smartphone users you have to login to your Facebook messenger.

How to send a private message on Facebook

This simple tutorial is for those using the desktop to access their Facebook.

  1. When you log in to your account take a look at the top right side of your screen and click on the message icon.

    facebook private message

  2. Your messages display as a drop-down form, click on New Message, a blank message form will be displayed.

    private message

  3. In the TO field click inside of it and type the name of the friend you want to send message to.

    Read: How to cancel friend request sent by me on Facebook

  4. When you select the person type the message you wish to send and hit the Send button.

    facebook message

  5. Another easy way to achieve this if you don’t want to use this method is to go to the profile of the individual whether your friend or not. You can find the person by going through your friend’s list or searching for him through the search box. Once the profile opens click on the message icon in the top right corner and that’s all.

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