How to work for Facebook

How to work for Facebook

facebook careers

Facebook is a vast community with more than 2 billion active users. The growth keeps increasing day by day and this also causes an increase in no. of staffs to manage this huge number of people. Facebook needs people to do a different job for them because of many numbers of users with different requests. Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of Facebook can’t do this job alone and that’s why you have got a chance to get a job in Facebook.

How to work for Facebook 

To work for Facebook you have to visit Facebook Careers to glance through their job listings. When the page opens look at the top side of your screen you will see the following categories; Jobs, Areas of work, Locations, Students & Grads, Facebook Life and Blog.


facebook jobs

Let’s talk about the meaningful ones, Jobs. When you click on this option, you have the liberty to search for jobs using the search bar. By the left side, you get to see specification options to help direct your job search to the type of job you want. Remember Facebook also owns Instagram and Whatsapp, so you get to determine the category you want to work on. At the middle part of your page, they list many jobs you can apply for you can click on any one to see the qualifications needed.

Areas of work

How to work for Facebook

This page groups the jobs into categories. For example, you get to see the Advertising Technology, Business Development and Partnerships, Data and Analytics, Creative and many others. Under each of the groups, you get to see options of More Info and View Jobs. When you click on More Info you see more information about the category while the View Jobs shows you the list of jobs available to apply for in that category.



These are the areas the Facebook centers are located. You can click on the continent you’re in to find where their centers are.

Students & Grads 

The Facebook intern has always being a good one for people that wants to learn more and share in the quest of bringing the world closer. There are many other benefits attached too to this, you get housing assistance, community service opportunities, outings to sporting events and many others.


Read: How To Check Facebook Search History

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