How to Make Money from Home in Kenya

how to make money from home in Kenya

how to make money from home in Kenya

With the paradigm shift in our world today, making money from home has become a lot easier. People now have the opportunity to make money from their comfortable homes any day anytime whilst doing other things. Here are some ideas on how you can make money from home in Kenya.

For money to be made, you are either selling something (product/brand) or rendering service in exchange for money. However, these sales or services can be done both offline and online giving you the opportunity to work from home.

Read: How to Make Money Online From Home in UAE

The internet/online space has given a lot of stay-at-home mums and unemployed individuals an opportunity to earn a living. With the right mindset and proper skill, the opportunities online cannot be over-emphasized and so are your chances of making money. Below is a list of things you can do to make money online.

How to Make Money From Home in Kenya

  1. Online stores/marketplace

    Just like the traditional stores where you market your brands and products in Kenya, such shops can be designed and run online. With online shops like Jumia, Amazon, Etsy, and a host others, shopping has been made easier, faster, and better and because this is done online, you get to reach a wider audience and customers. Search for online stores where you can market your products and register as a supplier, set up your store, and run your business from home.

  2. Dropshipping

    This is the selling and buying of goods and services over the internet. In dropshipping, you do not need to own a physical store or keep an inventory of the items instead purchases are made from a third-party supplier who ships the item directly to the customer. You as the store owner does not see or handle the product.

  3. Affiliate Marketing

    This involves the sale of products for a company/brand in exchange for a commission. This business does not require any start-up capital. You simply register as an affiliate on sites like Amazon, Phonesites, and others and begin selling their products online from home to receive a commission on the sales made.

  4. Blogging

    Blogs are informational websites where writers share their views on subjects of their choice. There are many profitable niches one can blog about. Photography, health, fitness, career, fashion, gardening, and finance are some examples. You can make money from these blogs by advertising people’s products/brands on your blog.

  5. Freelancing

    Freelancing involves working from home for companies/people online. This enables you to take up several jobs without limitations. Freelancing requires skills like social media management, coding, web design and management, etc. To be a successful freelancer, you will need to be disciplined and strict with yourself to do the work required to enable you to make money from home in Kenya.

  6. YouTube channel

    YouTube is the largest video hosting website in the world with over 5 million views daily. It is the second largest search engine with a majority of its users coming to be informed and entertained. You can launch your own channel and start making money with ads once you hit the 1000subs/4000hr of view time. Pick a niche of interest and stick to it and then grow your audience.

  7.  Record a Podcast

    People are getting busier each day and consequently, are looking for passive ways to consume content. This is the reason podcasts are a craze at the moment, presenting you with a great opportunity to build an audience and generate money.

  8. Write and Sell eBooks

    Packaging your knowledge into a downloadable book on interesting topics like health, money-making schemes, best-selling skills, career opportunities, etc is a good way to make money from home in Kenya. You can sell your eBook on Amazon. Amazon self-publishing gives you access to their massive audience to sell your book. They will take 30% as their fee and leave the remainder for you.

  9. Sell Stock Photos

    Stock photography is the supply of photographs of commonplaces, people, landmarks, nature, events, etc. often licensed for specific uses on a royalty-free basis and can be used and reused for commercial purposes. These photos can be sold to make money online on websites like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock. Fotolia, etc.


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