How to create avatar on Facebook

How to create avatar on Facebook

How to create avatar on Facebook

In this article, we will show you how to create an avatar on Facebook. This has been a very cool feature since Facebook released it. We all want to create our own avatar, it’s a fun thing to do. Many other social media websites have it too, especially Snapchat. For those that don’t know the meaning of Avatar that are reading this article too, it is an icon or figure representing a particular person in a video game or internet forum. Let’s get started on how this is done.

How to create an avatar on Facebook 

  • Log in to your account on your Facebook app.
  • Look at the top right and tap on the menu. This depends on the mobile operating system you’re using, yous might be on the left.
  • Tap on Avatars, and from the options select the type of skin tone you want to use for your Avatar.
  • Then in the next window, you will have to personalize the avatar by selecting the hairstyles, outfits, and others.
  • When you’re done, tap Done and Save changes to save and create your avatar.

Read: How to enable share button on Facebook

About Ernest Sylvester

A passionate blogger, digital marketer, web designer, and writer with many years of experience.

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