How to contact MTN South Africa

How to contact MTN South Africa

How to contact MTN South Africa

MTN is among the leading mobile telecommunication company in South Africa. Every company or establishment always have what we call customer care, where their customers make an inquiry or report any issue they experience while making use of their products. This time around we will show you all the possible ways to contact MTN and lay any complaints you have for them.

How to contact MTN South Africa

  • Through their website
    You can contact MTN through their website link by filling their form and the subject/topic you want to contact them for.
  • Through their Email 
    This is another easy way to communicate with them. You send them an email using this mail;
  • Through their customer care line 
    This method is used by many and it seems to be the fastest. Just dial 135 on your phone to speak with a customer care agent. If you’re making use of another phone to call them, dial 083135.
  • Through Twitter 
    If you’re on Twitter you can contact them through their MTNzaService account for quick solutions.

Read: How to stop MTN from using airtime for data South Africa


About Ernest Sylvester

A passionate blogger, digital marketer, web designer, and writer with many years of experience.

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