How do i see my birthday story

The social media giant added more spice to the way you can wish your friend’s happy birthday. You no longer need to post on the timeline of your friend to wish them well on their day but now as a story. This also has it’s shortcomings especially when you’re the one receiving the birthday wishes, this shortcoming is the difficulty to see this birthday stories.

Whenever your birthday comes around, a shared birthday story is created on Facebook where you and your friends can add photos, videos, birthday cards, and memories.

How do I see my birthday story

Your birthday story appears in the section where you see other people’s stories. You can still see these stories from friends if you turned your story archive on. This time around it will be saved for you to view them anytime you want.

To see your saved birthday story:

  • Open the Facebook app for iOS or Android.
  • Tap the three short horizontal lines at the top, then tap your name to go to your profile.
  • Tap More, then select Story Archive.
  • Tap to open your birthday story.

Read: Where do i find friends birthdays

About Ernest Sylvester

A passionate blogger, digital marketer, web designer, and writer with many years of experience.

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