How do i pick my bridesmaids

How do i pick my bridesmaids

How do i pick my bridesmaids

It is often true that the center of attention in a wedding is the bride and groom but sometimes it may shift to the bridesmaids. The bridesmaids and the groomsmen also make your day colorful so it is important that you choose your party carefully to paint your perfect day and make it remarkable.

Though it may seem easy, Picking bridesmaids is a big decision but there are simple ways that can help you to narrow down the list of candidates. This article is written to help you take the necessary steps in choosing the perfect bridesmaids for your big day.

How to pick your bridesmaids

  1. Consider Your Siblings: Including your siblings is the perfect way to start choosing your bridesmaids and groomsmen especially if you have a close age with them.

Read: How To Prepare For a Wedding

  1. Reliability: It is important to consider how your bridesmaids will act in the lead up to the wedding and on the big day. If possible, chose people that will go out of their way to help you organize the day and will do the best to make sure you have a great time at your wedding.
  2. Consider Old and Close Friends: Choose your oldest friends if you are still see each other. Old friends are a great option for bridesmaids, as you will likely have countless shared memories together and your friendship has already stood the test of time. Also, your current best friends can be wonderful bridesmaids, as they will likely be familiar with your relationship and the proposal, and will share your excitement for the big day.
  3. Consider Personalities: Personality is an important trait to look out for in choosing your bridesmaids. Avoid “drama queens” and people who are abusive and abrasive and often tends to rub people the wrong way. Rather, choose people who are friendly, cordial, and can transition easily between groups.
  4. Think About Feelings: Its sometimes difficult to pick your bridesmaids amongst your friends without having the ones left out feeling hurt. In such cases, you may decide to choose fewer bridesmaids to make sure no one’s feelings are hurt.
  5. Size Of Altar/Venue: Find out how many people will be able to comfortably stand in a line. You want to ensure that there is a gap between each person so that it doesn’t look cramped.
  6. Inquire Your Partner’s Opinion: It is important to discuss the number of bridesmaids with your partner. The number of groomsmen he has chosen will help you otherwise, you might end up with 6 people on your side and only 1 person on your fiance’s side. Talk about it and reach a decision on the number of bridesmaids.

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