Where can i see my friend request

Where can i see my friend request

This question might feel so easy to some but to others that are still new on Facebook, it’s a good and important question. Not everyone knows where to find their friend requests on Facebook. For the sake of people that are total novice, Friend requests are people that want to add you as friends and will be able to see your updates while you see theirs.

Where can I see my friend request on Facebook

  • Log in to your Facebook account and click on the friend request symbol at the top right.

    Where can i see my friend request

  • You would be able to see a list of friend requests sent to you.
  • Alternatively, click on your notifications to see them all.

Read: How to stop getting friend requests


About Ernest Sylvester

A passionate blogger, digital marketer, web designer, and writer with many years of experience.

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