I cant send friend request – How to solve it

i can't send friend requests

People do come up with this complain that they can’t send a friend request on Facebook. This could be frustrating especially when you want to add someone you know personally and you can’t achieve that. There are possible things to take note of when this issue arises and it could be for the following reasons;

The Facebook user haven’t confirmed your friend request

  • You may have already sent them a friend request.
  • Sometimes the friend request you sent might still be pending, so you can check if that’s the reason.

The Friend request may have been deleted 

  • If that’s the case then you need to send them a new friend request or you ask them to send you.

Friend limit reached 

  • This could occur when the  have reached the maximum number of friends which is 5000 friends. The solution at this point would be to change your personal account to a Facebook page. You can learn how to convert your personal account to a Facebook page.
  • Another way to solve this issue is to unfriend someone from your friend’s list to enable you add another person.
  • Finally, if you don’t want to do the above method you can Follow them instead, with this you can see the person’s post but the individual won’t be able to see yours.

Read: Where To Find Birthdays on Facebook

Privacy Settings issue

  • This issue isn’t always easy to discover on time, you or the person might set your privacy settings to get friend requests only from friends of friends. You need to visit your privacy settings to change that.

Facebook has blocked you from sending friend requests

  • Most times when you send several friend requests in a short time, Facebook might block you so you need to wait for the ban to be lifted automatically.

With the above solutions, you should be able to solve the issue of “I cant send friend request” on Facebook.

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