How to view my followers on Facebook

How to view my followers on Facebook

There are things you need to be aware of when it comes to Facebook. We have followers and then we have friends when it comes to your personal profile, but when it comes to pages we have Likes and Followers too. When you allow people to follow you it is not limited like Friends that has a limit of 5,000. Let’s get to the business of the day by teaching you how you can see a list of your Followers.

How to view my followers on Facebook 

  • Log in to your Facebook profile.
  • Click on your name to go to your Profile.

    How to view my followers on Facebook

  • Click on Friends.
  • Take your cursor to the More tab and two options appear, Followers and Following.

    my followers on Facebook

  • Click on Followers.

Read: Where to Find Friend Requests on Facebook


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