How to pray correctly is a very important part of your life as a Christian. A prayer is a form of communication between you and your creator and it plays a very important role as you live your day to day life. There are some steps involved when praying which you should be mindful of so you won’t run out of words while communicating with your creator. God is holy and who comes to Him should keep his heart pure. Read below to understand more how to pray.
How To Pray Correctly As a Christian
- Be pure in heart: In Matthew 5: 8 Jesus stated that “Blessed are they that are pure in heart for they shall see God”, this passage is very important because as Christians we should try as much as possible to live a life free of guilt. Make sure your mind is pure from all grudges and anger before coming to pray to God.
- Know your prayer points: Getting to know what you want to pray about is very important as that determines the kind things you want to request from God. Don’t miss this point because it’s very important. If you still not sure of yourself you can talk to your pastor about it and he will give you some advice that will aid you.
- Prayer venue or location: After you have concluded about your prayer points then this is the time to know where you want to stay and pray. Normally choosing a quiet place to pray is always the better option because you have enough time and also have a calmness in your soul. When you stay in a noisy place it might even confuse your mind from pouring out your heart to God.
Read: How To Have Peace Of Mind – 8 Ways
- Decide whether you are to pray alone or with others: When praying it is very important to know if it’s a personal prayer or group prayer maybe with family or friends. There are some hidden things you won’t want others to know, such things should be communicated to God alone or with your spouse if you are married.
- Kneel Reverence God by kneeling down before you begin your prayers and don’t let those nearby to be aware of all you praying about that could make them see you as someone trying to show off.
- Before you start praying: This point is what you should always be aware of, give thanks to God for leading you, providing for you and many other reasons you want to appreciate Him for before you begin your prayer requests.
- Ask God for forgiveness after you have given thanks. None of us is perfect so we ought to ask Him to forgive us because we sin both consciously and unconsciously.
- Ask him guidance: We can’t guide ourselves to walk in the good path of life, it’s important we ask Him to guide as in life.
- Make your requests to Him: Tell God what’s in your mind and what you would want Him to help you with, let your requests be plain and straightforward without repetitions.
- Pray for others: A good christian always pray for others so also add this your prayers, even pray for your enemies to have a change of heart.
- Conclude: Conclude your prayers and all Christian prayers end with an Amen.