How can I find out who blocked me on Facebook

How can I find out who blocked me on Facebook

This post is about “How can I find out who blocked me on Facebook”. When you continue to make use of Facebook, there will be a time you could be blocked by someone who happens to be your friend on Facebook. The funny part of this is you won’t be notified you have been blocked by any of your friends, which keeps you in the dark.

The question that comes to your mind will be, who blocked me? Well at 247Howto we teach people how to do anything. Continue reading as we teach you how to solve this puzzle.

How can I find out who blocked me on Facebook? 

Use the Events Invitation

If you have an event you would want to host or you just want to know if someone has blocked you, then this method is a great way to find out. Al, you have to do is to create an event which could be a birthday party or dinner, then try to invite the friend you feel has blocked you, if you’re unable to do this, then you have been blocked. You can check our post; How to create or post events on Facebook to learn how it’s done.

Try tagging them

This is one of the easiest ways to find out if you’ve been blocked. You can try tagging them to a picture or in the comment section using the @ tag if they can’t be tagged it could be they set their privacy settings to not to be tagged or they’ve blocked you.

Hit the Messenger section 

This is when you’re blocked by a close acquaintance, which means you must have had a chat in the messenger. When you open your messenger, their names might be covered by black boxes or could be unclickable meaning they have either shut down their Facebook or eventually blocked you. Once you’re blocked, you can’t have a chat with the person in any way.

Make use of the Facebook Search

How can I find out who blocked me on Facebook

Luckily, there’s an option to search for anything on Facebook. Click on the search bar and type in the name of the friend that you feel has blocked you, if the person’s profile doesn’t show up under the People tab result, it could be you’ve blocked. You can click the All section search result, at this point, you could see them but you can’t click on their name.

Try Blocking the person

This could sound hilarious but am not trying to confuse you here, just trying to explain a point. Trying to block someone is another simplified way to find out if you’ve been blocked. To learn how to do this, go to Settings > Blocking and enter a name under Block users. If you type in the name and the friend’s name doesn’t appear, it means they could have deactivated their Facebook account, or they have blocked you first. Check our post on How to temporarily block someone on Facebook.

Note: There’s no specific way to know if you’ve been blocked by someone, however the above points could help you to know you’ve been blocked.  When someone deactivates their account it could also look as if they have blocked you. Finally don’t feel bad if you have been blocked by someone especially if it’s not your fault.

About Ernest Sylvester

A passionate blogger, digital marketer, web designer, and writer with many years of experience.

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