How To Forget Your Ex Girlfriend Or Boyfriend And Move On
Dating someone brings some joy and smile in your heart when you are dating the right person for you likewise dating the wrong person can ruin your happiness and bring bad moods to you, then while all this is going on you might decide to break up with her or she might break up with you. Whichever may be the case you guys automatically turn to each other’s ex. Depending on how the relationship ended and how much you loved him or her could bring some troubles into your mind, its normal to miss someone you love so much and communicates with daily and suddenly you guys turn to be strangers, it’s painful.
Read: How To End or Break Up A Relationship
This feeling of trying to reconnect back to her is not easy to quench, I know why you are here you want to get over her, you are in the right place because we are going to teach or show you the ways you can get over your ex-girlfriend.
- Accept that its over: This is not always easy but you just have to accept that its over and move on with your life. Don’t keep your life static because of someone who you feel isn’t right for you. You have a future ahead so look towards it.
- Avoid any contact with him/her: This won’t be easy but its one of the best step that will be listed here. Are there places you know if you go to you will likely meet her then avoid going there. Seeing your ex constantly will keep on bringing memories of the past.
- Replace old memories with new ones: When you break up with the one you love, grief follows it even though you might claim you are not affected by it but deep down inside it’s not that easy. The grief that follows is normal but try as much as possible to start replacing the memories you shared with her with new ones, by making new friends likely of opposite sex it helps to heal, that doesn’t mean you should start dating a new girl immediately.
- Don’t stalk your ex: The mistakes people make after break up is stalking their ex. For how long will you continue to check when she comes online on WhatsApp, checking her status updates and newly uploaded pictures on Facebook. You are just hurting yourself more by engaging in such activities, try as much as possible to avoid doing that.
- Value yourself: You don’t need to look down on yourself because of a break up instead make a list of all the special qualities you’ve got and understand how special you are. Don’t just stop there, also make a list of all your ex-bad qualities that made you guys break up and then compare the two and see how unique you are.
- Start another relationship: Finally after giving some time to get back to yourself a bit, begin another relationship with another person. This will definitely erase most memories you had with your ex, but still remember to make sure the new person doesn’t have the same qualities you ran away from in your last relationship.