How to use Facebook avatar

How to use Facebook avatar

How to use Facebook avatar

Facebook avatar has come to stay and it’s a nice feature from Facebook. When it was first rolled out, it was made available to some countries but now it has been extended to almost all the countries. For those who don’t know the meaning of avatars, it is simply an icon that is used to represent a particular person in a video game or in an Internet forum.

You can make use of this too on Facebook by using it to create and share your cartoonish character with others. We believe you must have learned how to create your own Facebook avatar, we will focus on how to make use of it.

How to use Facebook avatarĀ 

  • When you want to comment or make a status, tap on the smiley face icon in any text field.
  • Select the avatar from the sticker section.

Read: How to search for memories on Facebook

About Ernest Sylvester

A passionate blogger, digital marketer, web designer, and writer with many years of experience.

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