Paying bills is one thing but knowing how to actually pay the bills is a plus. Knowledge they say is power; so avoid losing money because you do not know how to pay bills correctly. In this article, learn all that you need to know concerning how to pay your Ultra Mobile bill.
Read: How to Check Ultra Mobile Data Balance
I recall an experience I had the first time I purchased my SIM. I actually wanted to subscribe to a particular prepaid service that gives me free minutes and text but because I didn’t know the exact code to use and how the subscription is to be carried out, I lost my money to some cheap service that was of no use to me.
Moreover, For Ultra Mobile, whatever the plan, (whether you have an Ultra Flex for the Family plan or an Ultra Flex for Individuals plan) the recharge method/pattern is the same.
How to Pay My Ultra Mobile Bill
Payment of Ultra Mobile bills can be done online or offline.
- Online Bill Payment:
Visit or use the Ultra Mobile app.
Select the “Recharge” tab in the left-hand navigation.
Select your desired plan and make payment. - Payment By Phone:
To recharge via phone, call Ultra Mobile customer care at 888-777-0446
or just dial 611 from your Ultra Mobile phone. - With an Ultra Retailer:
You can make payments or recharge your phone through an Ultra Retailer. This payment can be done monthly or multi-month for your desired plan. Check for the Ultra Retailer in the Ultra mobile store closest to you.
However, all subscribers of Ultra Flex for the Family plan parents have the sole responsibility of recharging every member of their family since the “Pay for Family” setting is enabled on your account, you will be responsible for r