How to get free data on Vodacom South Africa

How to get free data on Vodacom South Africa

How to get free data on Vodacom South Africa

In this article, you will learn how to get free data on Vodacom South Africa. We all love free stuff, especially when it comes from mobile network providers. Vodacom is one of the top mobile networks in South Africa and have many subscribers under their care. Many other network providers offer free data and airtime, they’re not left out in this race. This popular company also have their branches in other countries but this article is strictly for South Africans. Let’s get started and see how we can get free data to surf the internet.

How to get free data on Vodacom South Africa 

  • The first thing you need to do is to download My Vodacom SA App. From my observation over the years, Vodacom loves to give out promos through their Mobile App. Please do well to download it not only for this post but for future opportunities.
  • The second thing you need to do is to sign up in the app using your Vodacom phone number, after your registration, you can log in.
  • Since there’s a promo going on, you will be able to see a shake and win message, tap on it and shake your phone.
  • You will be rewarded with a free gift, likely free data which would last for few days.

Read: How to cancel Vodacom caller tune 


About Ernest Sylvester

A passionate blogger, digital marketer, web designer, and writer with many years of experience.

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