How to follow your dreams

Follow your dreams

Follow your dreams

Dreams are life’s set of goals and achievements. It is not just about having a dream but actually following and fulfilling the dream. Following and actualizing your dreams may not always be easy but you still have to try and give it your all. If you can think it then it’s achievable. All you need is to be committed to a vision, carefully plan, and learn how to stay focused for months or even years. This article is a guideline as to help you stay focused and achieve that dream you so much desire.

How to Follow Your Dreams

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  1. Your Passion: To follow and achieve your dreams there are several steps to take but first you need to discover your passion. Whatever dream you have, be it singing, dancing, writing etc,  you need to be passionate about your dream that you can scale any hurdle and push through the hard times. Find your passion and analyze whether or not you think that you can achieve it. To discover your dreams, write out your goals beginning from the most important noting the ones with driving passions. Think about what skills you might need to accomplish this goal and make plans towards acquiring them.
  2. Imagine your ideal life: Try to visualize your ideal life, that way it will help you discover your passion and dream. Close your eyes and picture your life, or write it on a piece of paper. You can even try writing out your ideal day, start to finish, starting with what time you wake up. This can give you even more clues about the life you want.
  3. Practice self-discipline: Now that you have discovered your dream, self discipline is needed to bring it to reality. You need to stay focused working toward your goal even though you don’t always feel like working. To improve your discipline, you need to have a routine, making time for your goals every day. Also, develop habits that further your goals. Be time conscious to avoid wasting time on irrelivant things. Make time to devote to your goals.
  4. Create a long-term vision and review them periodically: Ensure that your goal fits into a long-term vision for your life. Let your vision shape your long-term goals. Weigh the options considering the disadvantages and advantages you may face. Make sure that what you have as your goal will lead you to what you see in your big picture. It is also important that from time to time, you do a review to ensure you are not drifting. Sometimes, we find that our wants and desires change over time.  Go back to your long-term vision and ask whether anything has changed. Reconsider your ambitions.
  5. Celebrate progress: Celebrating your progress is like fuel to your visions. It helps to drive the passion to following your dream making you aware that it’s no waste of time. Recognizing progress helps us to stay motivated, particularly when the long-term goal is a work of years or decades.
  6. Mind your Company: Surround yourself with motivators, friends, relatives, co-workers, and peers whose options you trust and who bring out the best in you. They can provide an invaluable support network or even give you a needed critique. Avoid negative thinkers and only ask the people that you trust for advice if need be. Listen to them. Try to be humble enough to recognize any mistakes that they point out.
  7. Be realistic: Highly motivated people are usually realistic thinkers. You need to understand that success might take a long time, that progress will come slowly and that, even after all of their work, there is a chance of failure. Owning that there is a chance of failure is not admitting defeat. Instead, it allows you to temper your ambitions with reasonable expectations. Knowing this ahead of time is good – it will help you to cope in case of failure.
  8. Cope with Failure:  A failure does not close all doors and it is not the end of the road. You just need to make a turn at that end. Coping with failure is about finding other open doors. Ensure you have a backup plan.
  9. Learn from your failure: You can use your failures to grow and to continue to improve. Rather than becoming depressed about a setback, take stock of what happened. Study why you failed. Take a close look at yourself and with all honesty, spell out why you failed. Locate the possible problem and plan a solution.


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