Where can I post a job on Facebook is one of the questions being asked by many. Recruitment comes from time to time and people will wish to apply for job openings. The problem most establishments have is how to reach the potential candidates that are qualified for the job. One of the best ways to achieve this is through Facebook, and I will show you how you can achieve this.
Where can I post a job
- Log into your Facebook and go to your Facebook page.
- Firstly, you must have a Facebook business page before you can do anything. Most job seekers make use of social media websites to seek for a job.
- When you have completed stage 2, then click on Jobs which is among the options on your page.
- Click on Create a Job and fill the necessary things that follow such as Job title, Location and Salary range.
One of the settings to change on your Facebook business page is the messaging setting; which allows job seekers to contact you. You may already be using this free feature as part of your Facebook marketing. To change from the default setup, choose “Settings” from the menu at the top of your business page, and then select “Messaging.” Then, add a message button to your business page.
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