How do i control who can post on my page

post on my page

Your page visitors can publish on your page and their posts appear on the Visitors Posts when you click on Posts at the left section of your page. This occurs when you allow it as the admin and also if you allow photo and video posts it will appear in the Photos and Videos sections of your Page.

Whatever you allow is what will appear on your page. The good news is that you can set how you want it to be and we are here to guide you on how to achieve that.

How do I control who can post on my page 

  • Log in to your Facebook account and click on Settings, which can be found at the top right corner of your on my page
  • When it opens the General option is selected by default, click on Visitor Posts.How do i control who can post on my page
  • You can select Allow Visitors to the Page to Publish Posts, under that option you can select Allow photo and video posts if you want. The second option there is Review posts by other people before they are published to the Page, once you select that it means you will approve your visitor’s posts before they are published.control who can post on my page


  • Now if you don’t want to allow them to publish any post, you can select Disable posts by other people on the Page.

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