How to cancel subscriptions on Telkom mobile

How to cancel subscriptions on Telkom mobile

How to cancel subscriptions on Telkom mobile

Telkom mobile offers some attractive services. Most of us have some difficulties we do experience while making use of this network and that’s how to cancel subscriptions. Subscribing for a service is cool and also canceling of the same service is another issue. We understand how it feels like and we’re here to help out on how you can achieve this, that’s our mission for this website.

How to cancel subscriptions on Telkom mobileĀ 

  1. You can cancel any subscription online by visiting their address, you can use this link if you have not registered before.
  2. Once you are logged in to your Telkom profile, select Manage Accounts and click on the applicable account,
    then select Cancel. Fill in the required fields. You can select multiple services at once.
  3. Once you’re done, confirm all the details and submit.

Read: How to check your airtime and data balance on Telkom Mobile

About Ernest Sylvester

A passionate blogger, digital marketer, web designer, and writer with many years of experience.

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